Security Analysis:
Check customer reviews, scam and dropshipping indicators is a legitimate platform, but beware of fraudulent sellers who use it. Check the seller's reputation before buying.
Trust Score
Reliable site with good security guarantees
Scam Score
No suspicious elements detected
Dropshipping Score
No dropshipping indicators detected
Domain Information
- Creation Date
- 12/05/2022
- Country of origin
- US
- Last update date
- 22/04/2024
- Registrar
- Cloudflare, Inc.
- Expiration Date
- 12/05/2025
Trust Indicators
Domain registered since 2022, suggesting some stability.
Professional and functional website.
Presence of a help and FAQ section.
Use of Cloudflare, a reputable web security service.
Risk Factors
Security Alert
Security Alert
External Reviews (2.5/5 out of 72 reviews)
The platform has a high risk of fraud
The seller uses all accounts with information to sell to buyers. It is not possible to log in and change account information. When needing a refund, the seller shows signs of responding slowly or not responding at all. Signs of a scam, they silently deleted my ticket on Discord ( ticket-1025 get deleted ) Here is its website: I advise you not to buy anything on this website or other websites that have sellpass behind them
Fraud! Beware of fraud!
better then the competitors
not sure why all are complaining, the support is great and always under 1 hour as they promise. website works like a charm (way smoother then or sellix) its hella customizable aswell and the prices for pro are totally fair, regards: nowax
I recently purchased a Nordvpn from a…
I recently purchased a Nordvpn from a seller NinjaGamers and he said to me that the product is out of stock and will be back soon i said then to him that he please send me one when is available and he said he wont i said i wann my money back and didnt recieve anything. Sellpass is allowing such a sellers to sell products and scam people scammer
Bought Office A1 from, never received the account. Seller is unreachable. Sellpass says it is not responsible for what the seller does is scammer, and some store at
Sellpass has been lying since months about their new version 3, first it was promised in 2023, then mid jan 2024, then they suddenly couldnt tell us a date, then they promised migration last week and now we are still waiting. Instead of explaining the situation to us they keep lying and think thats fine. anyone whos trying to get started selling online should avoid this company.
Good, but needs work.
Overall, I've had a really good experience with Sellpass so far, and I feel like over time the platform will keep improving. Generally, everything was effortless and simple, however, I had a few key issues: 1. The support response time is slow. My account has an issue that could risk me being locked out, and I've gone 4 days without a response. 2. I found it impossible to link my discord. Trying to link my account always resulted in an endlessly loading page. 3. I'd appreciate a better explanation of how the dynamic webhook works. Great platform but I'm really hoping to see it improve. This review is definitely subject to change as it develops.
I love Sellpass
I'm a genuine user. I appreciate the layout and how they give you a high quality storefront. I believe this is better than sellix and atshop. As soon as I am able to buy a better member ship I will. Sellpass is a platform to sell. ANY EXPERIENCE THAT INVOLVES A SUBDOMAIN has to do with another entity. I write this because they provide free storefront for people and they don't have too.
just a marketplace for small wanna be's…
just a marketplace for small wanna be's to sell cracked info. team@sellpass YOU NEED TO TAKE A SERIOUS LOOK AT YOUR FRAUDULENT SELLERS. they all use the same to store the stolen accounts. theyre ofc aren't advertised "stolen" lol but all hijacked accounts I've encountered used or some sort of ru email. so save your money lol or if you most spend it, pls pls pls dont spend it here lol. they most certainly DONT deserve it bhaha fkn low life thieving scammers. shame on sell pass for even letting such shady business use the domain!! to poor victims of any circumstances your consumers affairs will provide you more assistants than anyone else can:)
I would like to express my gratitude to Tacanado and TD. I can say that they have the best customer service I know. I wish we could have received their service even at the grocery store we visited. In that case, everything in life would have been very nice :) I thank them again and again for their assistance and continuous support in every situation!