Security Analysis:
Check customer reviews, scam and dropshipping indicators is an open-source social network platform with mixed reviews. Some appreciate the freedom of speech, while others criticize the presence of trolls. Further analysis is recommended.
Trust Score
Site with excellent security and reliability guarantees
Scam Score
No suspicious elements detected
Dropshipping Score
No dropshipping indicators detected
Domain Information
- Creation Date
- 09/12/1995
- Country of origin
- US
- Last update date
- 09/04/2021
- Registrar
- Moniker Online Services LLC
- Expiration Date
- 08/12/2027
Trust Indicators
Domain has existed for a long time (created in 1995)
Presence of positive reviews on certain platforms like Google Play Store and Apple App Store
Open-source platform, which can promote transparency
External Reviews (3/5 out of 53 reviews)
A right wing cesspit full of childish attitudes.
It's a right wing cesspit, no one has a clue about anything and they get triggered by the slightest deviation from biblical scripture. Best avoided, if you went there from Reddit, turn around now and GTFO.
Cool app
I like this app. Not sure where all the hating reviews are from but they seem like there is more to the haters than just leaving a review. It's good to have many options for people. And given the popularity of minds with many people it shows that it's working. Only having a few options is unhealthy for society and its important to have a large variety to be able to hear many voices that make up the world. There are a couple large tech companies that have a monopoly on things and don't have the best interest of the general public. Minds is a decent alternatives.
A good place for small creators
A good place for small creators to build an audience. You won't be enslaved to some algorithm to get noticed, since the crypto rewards double as an advertising feature. Just follow some bigger accounts, leave some comments, and, if you have anything remotely interesting to say, you'll pull in a few tokens here and there, which you can use to boost your own posts. You also don't need to worry about getting banned for trivial garbage or having the "wrong" opinions. Bans are usually reserved for bots and spammers who try to abuse the crypto rewards. They're probably the ones leaving all the bad reviews too. The dev team is pretty aloof though, so updates are usually slow and often break the site temporarily. You'll know there's been an update when notifications stop working.
Ive been on Minds since about 2015
Minds is awesome, far better than fb insta or twitface. 99.9% no censorship ( the .1% is likely kiddy porn or some crap, so win win ). Lately the scammers and bot networks have been being decimated by users to a large extent and also by site operators, which is awesome. ( they're the ones leaving all the one star reviews LMAO ). Join Minds, you'll love it.
Many Childish Immature (and Trolls?) people on
Honestly, I am least impressed with other posters on this social media site. I'm getting a lot of troll type comments from anti-truth posters. Not sure how many paid and how many brainwashed. Feels like so far a mainstream brainwashed infested type social media site rather than an alternative Truth social media sites for those of us already ridiculed for sharing Truth on others sites or worse.
Disgusting "Social Media" Website
If I could give this "social media" website no stars I would do it. Minds claims to be a freedom of speech site and it is, but only if you're male, extreme right wing, and insane. Any other point of view will cause you to be harassed, mass down voted, and called filthy names. Reporting the abuse is useless and the offenders are allowed to do anything they want. Horrible site that should be put out of business.
4+ years user.
I signed up to Minds in 2019. I use it daily. A major plus is that it's open-source. It's a social networking service that's a decent Twitter alternative. The downside is that at present, there's not many people there that I follow on Twitter.
Banned for Spam after months inactive? Stupid.
I haven't used Minds in several months. Today I got a message stating that my account has been banned due to "Spam." I send a message asking what Spam could have been posted since my account has basically been inactive. In fact, in December I was offered a free upgrade to Minds+ - probably to lure me back into active usage. This app isn't worth spending time on.
I think MINDS is peachy Keen
I think MINDS is peachy Keen. I have rarely ever encountered censorship, the people are nice and most are real- not your purple headed screaming harpy crowd. Lots of interesting people and content- if you don't go in planning to "spread truth' (as you progressives call it). It is much better than Facebook.
@ottman @john Tokens are legally ours…
@ottman @john Tokens are legally ours to do what we wish with, any attempt to stop free-market trades and taking people's funds after they have acquired them goes against so much that this community stands for. I really suggest you allow people to freely do what they wish with their tokens, including trading for another crypto, I know of a few people you've taken thousands of tokens off, did you wanna catch a hot court case? The fact you in your own website description state that this is a site we can earn money on is bull because anyone trying to transfer to on-chain to sell is punished. ducking trash.